Konrad Aguilar, Assistant Professor

Estella Laboratory 2389       Mathematics and Statistics Department       Pomona College       konrad.aguilar@pomona.edu

Spring 2022 Office Hours (Estella Laboratory 2389): TBD, and by appointment

Cirruculum Vitae (PDF file)

Courses Currently Teaching (Spring 2022):
MATH 173: Advanced Linear Algebra
MATH 032: Calculus III

Research interests: Noncommutative Geometry, C*-algebras, Quantum Metric Spaces, Compact Quantum Groups, Operator Theory, Functional Analysis, Metric Geometry

Preprints and Publications: Papers on arxiv.org and linked below.

[17.] K. Aguilar, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Elena Kim (`21), Frobenius-Rieffel norms on finite-dimensional C*-algebras
23 pages, submitted, arXiv:2112.13164.

[16.] K. Aguilar, Michael Hartglass, and David Penneys, Compact Quantum Metric Spaces from Free Graph Algebras
15 pages, submitted, arXiv:2109.06985.

[15.] K. Aguilar, Samantha Brooker, Frédéric Latrémolière, and Alejandra López, An Ideal Convergence
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 68 (2021), no. 8, 1269--1281.

[14.] K. Aguilar, Ángel Chávez, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Jurij Volčič, Norms on complex matrices induced by complete homogeneous symmetric polynomials
18 pages, submitted, arXiv:2106.01976.

[13.] K. Aguilar, Jens Kaad, and David Kyed, Polynomial approximation of quantum Lipschitz functions
18 pages, submitted, arXiv:2104.04317.

[12.] K. Aguilar, Jens Kaad, and David Kyed, The Podleś spheres converge to the sphere
33 pages, submitted, arXiv:2102.12761.

[11.] K. Aguilar, Frédéric Latrémolière, and Timothy Rainone, Bunce-Deddens algebras as quantum Gromov-Hausdorff distance limits of circle algebras
Integral Equations Operator Theory 94 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 2. arXiv:2008.07676.

[10.] K. Aguilar, Quantum metrics on the tensor product of a commutative C*-algebra and an AF C*-algebra
31 pages, submitted, arXiv:1907.07357.

[9.] K. Aguilar and Alejandra López, A quantum metric on the Cantor space
22 pages, submitted, arXiv:1907.05835.

[8.] K. Aguilar, Inductive limits of C*-algebras and compact quantum metric spaces
24 pages, (Accepted 2019), to appear in J. Aust. Math. Soc., arXiv:1807.10424.

[7.] K. Aguilar and Jens Kaad, The Podleś sphere as a spectral metric space
J. Geom. Phys. 133 (2018), 260--278. arXiv:1803.03027.

[6.] K. Aguilar and Samantha Brooker, Quantum metrics from traces on full matrix algebras
Involve 12 (2019), no.2, 329--342, arXiv:1906.09728.

[5.] K. Aguilar and Tristan Bice, Standard Homogeneous C*-algebras as compact quantum metric spaces
32 pages, (Accepted 2018) to appear in Banach Center Publications, arXiv:1711.08846.

[4.] K. Aguilar and Frédéric Latrémolière, Some applications of conditional expectations to convergence for the quantum Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity
12 pages, (Accepted 2018) to appear in Banach Center Publications, arXiv:1708.00595.

[3.] K. Aguilar, Convergence of Quotients of AF Algebras in Quantum Propinquity by Convergence of Ideals
48 pages, (Accepted 2019), to appear in Journal of Operator Theory, arXiv:1608.07016.

[2.] K. Aguilar, AF algebras in the quantum Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity space
32 pages, submitted, arXiv:1612.02404.

[1.] K. Aguilar and Frédéric Latrémolière, Quantum Ultrametrics on AF algebras and the Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity
Studia Mathematica 231 (2015) 2, pp. 149-193, arXiv:1511.07114.